Power To The People airs on Tuesday, February 18th at 9pm EST.

Drew decides to break up with Zoe; Alli and Dallas team up to stay focused; Imogen takes her dress code fight to the Internet.

TeenNick’s Promo: http://www.teennick.com/videos/clip/degrassi-1320-episodic.html?xid=tntw

MTV Promo

MTV’s Sneak Peek

Posted by Kary


  1. I really like the fact that Degrassi “went there” with an issue that many young men like Drew are ccurrently facing. I wonder if Zoey or her mother are going to press charges against Drew and if there will be any legal implications because of it. Either way I am just happy that Degrassi is even simply touching the issue of young adults in high scool (those over 18 years of age) having sex with minors and various consequences that could happen if the relationship goes sour, or even if the parents are against the relationship in general.



    1. My mind just went blown when you mention Drew being over the age of 18. I have totally forgot he had to repeat a grade. Ahh, what was he thinking??? Did it just slip his mind that’s she’s underage? Like way underage?



  2. You have to remember the Age Of Consent laws in Canada are very different from The States. You may want to read about them first before you pass judgement on Drew. To me its morally wrong on Drew’s part and yes it was wrong in my eyes. But I do live in the states so there you go.



  3. I can’t wait to see next weeks episode. I’m curious to see how everything with Drew and Zoe and Zoe’s mom plays out.



  4. Just so everyone knows, no laws were broken. While many will see it as morally wrong, there’s nothing Zoe and her mom can do to Drew. Ontario age of consent laws say people under 16 can have sex with people within 5 years of their age, so if Zoe is 15, like her mother says, she can have sex legally with people up to 20. Drew is most likely 18.



  5. Ah thanks for the clarification! I wasnt sure what the laws were in Canada. Where I live I age of consent is somewhere between three and four years. I was just curious if Degrassi would go in that direction because I have heard of court cases similar to Drews around here (and have in fact known a guy who got spurned from it only because his underaged girlfriends mom didnt like him and pressed charges. Honestly imo Drew isnt that much older than Zoey (and I feel like she is maniplated him into having sex with her. Im not even sure if that was really her first time. I think there is a chance she could have lied to get him to stay with her). Either way I feel bad for Drew in a way because he is in for a rough time next week even if it is not through legal measures.



    1. Damn I was thinking the same thing about Zoe really being a virgin??



  6. Although he really ahould of known better. But Drew has never been a character to think his actions through beforehand.



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